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  • Writer's pictureTracy Thomas

Coaching: Introspective & Creative Thinking

Updated: May 6, 2020

Coaching lies somewhere in the space of psychology, consulting, training and mentoring, but is quite unique in its form. Every coach will explain their style and experience differently, depending on their niche, preferred coaching models, worldviews and personal values and ultimately the key points about coaching which they are most passionate about. I describe coaching as a progressive space where introspection meets creativity.

What is Introspective Thinking?

To characterise coaching correctly, it is necessary to understand both introspection and creativity. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines introspection as the “process of examining your thoughts/feelings, a reflective looking inward: an examination of one's own thoughts and feelings.”

What is Creative Thinking?

Creativity is characterised by the ability to perceive the world around you in new ways, make connections and generate solutions. In psychological language, ‘lateral thinking’ is often used to describe creative thinking. Edward de Bono coined the term in 1967 and explains how he believes that ‘creative thinking is something you can get better at - if you want to’. This is why he prefers the term 'lateral thinking', which he invented to describe a more deliberate form of creativity.

Edward de Bono believes that we 'can build up skill in such techniques, and through practice develop confidence. In that way we can add skill in lateral thinking to our other thinking skills. So we become complete thinkers.'

Coaching Defined:

A process of partnering with clients in a thought-provoking creative environment, where the client is given a safe space to share their stories in a way which accelerates self-mastery, progression and meaning making in this complex world.

1. Partnering

In the coaching environment, the coach is the client’s thinking partner. The client is the expert of themselves and their life while the coach is a supportive thinking partner, strengthening and challenging the client’s thought process in a constructive way.

2. Thought-provoking creative process

The client and coach identify and agree upon a clear outcome or goal for the session; the coach facilitates a process which aims to achieve a clear and agreed upon session key takeaway/outcome/goal. Powerful questioning creates a thought-provoking environment for the client to exercise lateral thinking. This process shifts one-dimensional perspectives, unlocks fixed mindsets and encourages fresh thinking and new ideas. 

3. Stories

The lens through which we view the world is created by a combination of our stories which, when connected together, culminate to form our unique experience of life. Introspective storytelling encourages reflection and processing of past events. This reflection enables self-growth and deepens the understanding of why and how things happened.

In order to keep moving forward, “we need to tell stories to each other about who we are, why we are, where we come from, and what might be possible.” - Alan Rickman

4. Self-mastery

Self-mastery involves understanding the different sides of ourselves, whether good or bad, and using this knowledge to our advantage. Increased self understanding and awareness allows us to celebrate our strengths and face our weaknesses with more acceptance and confidence.

This helps us to have a greater understanding of why we are, act and feel the way we do. Naturally, this leads to an increased self-esteem and confidence.  

5. Progression

Often associated with challenging an accepted institution, progression evokes ideas of improvement, dynamism, youth, ambition, flexibility, change, modernity, collaboration, forward-thinking, liberalness, open-mindedness, innovation, sharpness, brightness and adaptability.

6. Meaning-Making

Psychologist, Michael Ignelzi states that meaning-making is “the process of how individuals make sense of knowledge, experience, relationships, and the self.”

7. Fast-Paced World

Due to the ever evolving increase in technology, our world is constantly in a state of flux and development. The world has never been as globally connected and fast-paced as it is now. The result is a generation of individuals with the mindset that ‘anything is possible’.

The high expectations and fast-moving pace of the western world allows very little time for individuals to self-reflect, process experiences constructively and manage future behaviour with more intention and awareness.

Coaching is a space where clients can exercise their lateral thinking with confidence to reflect on past experiences. This encourages a deeper understanding and development of new insights into past issues in their lives. It also allows them to face present circumstances with more confidence and visualise a future with enthusiasm and curiosity in a space where together, we dwell in possibilities.

The overarching objective is to inspire individuals to maximize both their personal and professional potential. Using the knowledge and insights developed from coaching, clients can begin to live with more intent, wisdom and greater self awareness - creating a more desirable and meaningful life.

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